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    Banking Rules - How it's gonna work!!!


    Posts : 8
    Join date : 2008-08-08

    Banking Rules - How it's gonna work!!! Empty Banking Rules - How it''s gonna work!!!

    Post  Hindblood Sun Aug 17, 2008 8:38 am

    The following rules apply to the usage of the Guild Bank. The purpose is to assist in the furthering of progression and as such shall not be misused under any circumstance. Your usage of the Guild Bank will be seen as your acceptance to the Terms of Usage.

    1) Items and/or monies deposited in the Guild Bank become the property of the Guild

    2) Guild Leadership will dispose of any item(s) which in their opinion needs to be removed to make room for new materials. Said disposed of materials will be sold at the AH, vendors, given away, or disenchanted at the discretion of the Guild Leadership. Revenue generated from the sale of unwanted items will be deposited in the Guild Bank. Therefore, please do not deposit the following items in the Guild Bank:
    a. Vendor trash (grey items, white items, low level items, etc.)
    b. Food (raid buff food only (i.e.: Spicy Crawdad, Golden Fish Sticks, etc.))
    c. Low level herbs, mats, etc.

    3) All members have withdrawal privileges for items and/or cash based on access as provided by the Guild Leadership. The access structure has been formulated to maintain balanced game play as much as possible.

    4) Members are permitted to withdraw cash (up to the set daily allotments) to pay for repairs, training or to purchase materials/items from the AH, vendors or other players except as follows:
    a. Members MAY NOT withdraw Guild Bank funds for the financing or the purchase of Blue or Epic items, Item Enhancements, etc., listed on the AH or from other players
    b. Members MAY NOT withdraw Guild Bank funds for the financing of mounts or riding lessons. It is the responsibility of individual players to finance their own mounts
    c. Members MAY NOT withdraw Guild Bank funds for the purchase of MATS
    d. Members MAY NOT withdraw Guild Bank funds and give the money to other players

    5) Members are permitted to withdraw items from the bank to use in creating MATS, Potions, Elixirs, Flasks, to be used in enchanting, raiding and deposited back into the Guild Bank, except as follows:
    a. They MAY NOT take out items to create Item Enhancements UNLESS they deposit a 50% discount rate for the item.
    b. They MAY NOT resell items deposited in the Guild Bank or list them for sale in the Auction House.

    6) Members may use the Guild Bank as a repository to exchange materials. For example player A has agreed to gather x-amount of Eternals for player B and deposits them in the Guild Bank for player B to withdraw at a later time. Such transactions are at the players own risk. Since all deposits are regarded as communal, other members have equal withdrawal rights to the deposited material.

    7) Once there are sufficient funds within the Guild Bank for the purchase of additional Guild Bank tabs, the Guild Leadership will use the funds to make more storage space available. It is intended that additional tabs will have restricted access and will be reserved for the deposit of high value items and materials accumulated for the use of endgame raids and instances.

    Cool Use of the Guild Bank is at all times to be regarded as a privilege and not a right. Access to the Guild Bank is set by the Guild Leadership and can be restricted or denied in the event of abuse, inappropriate withdrawals, misuse, etc. In the event of a severe or continued misuse that person will face expulsion.

      Current date/time is Thu Jun 27, 2024 5:22 am