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    Élipse application


    Posts : 1
    Join date : 2009-09-30

    Élipse application Empty Élipse application

    Post  Eclipse Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:01 am

    Class: Priest

    Spec: Holy

    Why joining: Want to raid not pug.

    profesions: Working on JC and Cooking

    Current guild: DKP Minus

    Main:Éclipse, lvl 80 Priest. (Alt + 0201)

    Alt: LÉviticus, lvl 68 DK. (Alt + 0201)

    Why leaving: Its crap that I have to pug with the guild i am in

    Know anyone from GBU: Gorsmoke

    Why should you recruit me: Im reliable at any raiding time.

    Gear score on wow-heroes: 2486

    Raiding time: Everyday, EST time.


      Current date/time is Sat Jun 29, 2024 9:55 pm